God is good

Nahum 1:1-7

Nahum is labelled as one of the Minor Prophets. This does not mean that their message is less important than the messages of the Major Prophets. That label simply means that their message is shorter. The book bears the name of the prophet Nahum. His name means comfort or consolation. The name Nahum is a strange name for this book, because the book of Nahum is a book of judgment. This book is a sequel to the book of Jonah. About 100 years earlier, Jonah was sent to the city of Nineveh, which was the capital city of the nation of Assyria. Jonah entered their city preaching a message of certain, forthcoming judgment. When the Ninevites heard the message of Jonah, they repented of their sins and the Lord spared the city. Now, a century has passed and they have turned away from the commitment they made to the Lord.

By the time the book of Nahum was written, the Assyrian Empire was at the height of its military and national power. They were on the march, seeking to expand the boundaries of their kingdom. Beyond that, the Assyrians were guilty of attacking the nation of Israel. God used them to punish Israel for their sins, but God would also punish Assyria for their disobedience and their hatred of the people of God. Nahum’s message is one of judgment. In verse 1, Nahum refers to his message as a burden. This word means heavy. His message is a heavy message because it is a message of judgment. Nahum’s prophecies were fulfilled when God allowed the Assyrians to be conquered by the Babylonians in 612 BC.

While Nahum’s message is one of judgment and wrath, there is one bright spot. I am referring to verse 7. In the midst of all the words of wrath, and anger, this verse stands like a hope. I want to focus in verse 7 today. Therefore, I would like to entitle my sharing as God is good. I want to show you some of the reasons that I see in this verse that teach us that God is good.


Nahum clearly says, The Lord is good. This statement is made against the clear backdrop of God’s judgment on the Assyrians. Consider the context of verses 2-6. This should encourage us today, because we are and our nation is like the ancient Assyrians, has wandered far away from God. The Assyrians were the hateful, cruellest people of that era. But, they were no more hateful and evil than the people of our society are today. We have hated God’s law, we have ignored God’s word, and we have found countless ways to cut God out of our lives. As a result, our society is in judgment today.

The confusion in our society, our economy, and the fixed decline in our morality, can all be traced to our rejection of God. Even in the midst of problems of lack of finances, government, crooked people, pain, sickness or even death, The Lord is good!

The word good means, pleasant, agreeable, rich, valuable. That word describes the very character of God. In fact, our English word God is a shortened form of the word good. Circumstances may say otherwise, but The Lord is good!

We are living in hard times, but “The Lord is good!” In fact, He is good to all people, in all places, in all situations, and at all times. (Ps 145:9) in spite of how things look, feel, or appear, “The Lord is good!” That is the assurance we have in all situations, circumstances, and conditions of life. 

The fact is, “The Lord is good!” Consider Ps 34:8; 100:5; 135:3; 145:9. All these verses teach us the same truth; they teach us that, “The Lord is good!” He is always good! Consider Rom 8:28. It’s easy for us to say, “The Lord is good” when life is going well, but it doesn’t change the fact that, “The Lord is good” even when times are bad. The Lord is good all the time, and in every way.

Chapter 1 of the book of Nahum declares the greatness of God. But, the one word that best describes His unchanging nature is the word good. If you don’t get anything else out of this message, remember the fact that, The Lord is good!


Nahum reminds the embattled people of God that God is a stronghold in the day of trouble. the word stronghold means, a place of safety, protection and refuge; a safe harbor in the storm. Sooner or later, we will all need to stronghold. Trouble will come to us all eventually. (Job 5:7; 14:1) the word trouble refers to, distress, or trouble. It speaks of those times when life closes in around us, and the pressures of life come against us. In those times, the people of God have a refuge. Consider: Ps 73:1; Deut 33:27; Ps 27:5; 46:1; 50:15; Prov 18:10; Is 43:2.

We have a place to which we can flee in the day of trouble; a place for the hurts and horrors of life cannot follow us. There is a place of safety for the people of God. Verse 2 says God is jealous. When you and I become jealous, it is because we are afraid of losing something or someone that is dear to us. When we become jealous, it is always a sign of our fallen natures. In other words, human jealousy is a sin.

When the Bible says, God is jealous, that does not imply that God is guilty of sin. God is not afraid of losing us. God is not afraid that someone will take us away from evil. We are his and no one can ever change that. It means that He places Himself between us and those persons or events that would harm us.

His children are precious to Him, and He will do whatever it takes to protect them. Notice verse 3. The Lord declares that He has His way in the storm, and the clouds are the dust of His feet. That’s simply reminds us, that He is in control. Our God is a sovereign God. The winds and the waves obeyed His will.

When the storms of life rise against us, and the winds of hardship buffeting our life, we will discover that there is a place of refuge for the child of God. We will discover that there is peace in the midst of the storm. We will discover that God is directing our paths for his glory, Pro 3:5-6. (The word pass refers to, the unmarked ways of life. Job understood this truth, Job 23:10. So did David, Psalm 37:23. We need to learn the truth that even when we cannot see the way, He is the way.)


We are told in verse 7 that, He knows those who trust in Him. The word knows means, to know intimately; to know by experience. The word trust means, to flee for protection; to trust in God. This phrase reminds us that God knows His people. He knows our name! He knows where we are; He knows what we face; He knows all the details of our life. Even hairs of our head are numbered. He knows us intimately, comprehensively, and completely. There is nothing about us, our life, or our situation that has escaped His attention.

Like Hagar, when she fled from Abraham, Gen 21:17, God knows us and everything about us. He knows His sheep, Jn 10:14. In fact, He knows them intimately. Ps 23:1-6 declares the depth of His knowledge and the comprehensiveness of His care for those who belong to Him.

We know, the Lords people are more than just dumb, weak, directionless sheep. We are elevated far beyond that. In Jn 15:13–15, He calls us His friends. The word friends means, an associate. Let that sink in, He associates with us. We are His friends! They say, you are known by the company you keep.

It sounds to me like the Lords people are in good company. He is a Shepherd to His sheep. He is a Friend to His associates. But, it gets better than that. Hebrews 2:11–12 tells us that we are His brethren. The word refers to, those of the same womb. We see, He is more than the leader of a bunch of dumb animals. He is more than a friend of a gang of sinners. He has saved us by His grace, and brought us into His family. There is a heavenly acquaintance, and that gives us hope in the day of trouble.

I just want to remind you as I close my sharing on, The Lord is good! This might be a good time to come before Him and praise Him for His goodness. This might be a good time to come home if you have wandered away. This might be a good time to get before the Lord and ask Him to forgive you for doubting His goodness in your life. I don’t know what you are experiencing today, but I want to leave you with a final thought: “The Lord is good.


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