
Showing posts from November, 2023

The Purpose of Apologist Writings

Apologesis writing is a type of communication used to express regret, remorse, and a willingness to make amends for wrongdoings or mistakes. Its purpose is to repair relationships, restore trust, and prevent future conflicts. Apologetic messages can be delivered verbally or in writing and should be sincere, specific, and take responsibility for the actions that caused harm. The goal is to demonstrate empathy, remorse, and a commitment to making things right. They wrote many apologies to Roman Emperor to defend the Christian faith and to present the fact of Christian teaching. They wrote against heretical teachings At any time the enemies might bring charges against Christians and led them to arrest and trial. So in that circumstance the fathers were to defend their Christian faith. Many times Christians were subjected to mob violence. There was no helped or protection from the government. The Romans questions and accuse  Christians and suspected Christians and misinterpreted their teac

Major Heresies

From the middle of the second century, different group of church fathers  known as an apologist. In the 2nd century, the Christianity still regarded as the illegal religion in the Roman  Empire. Therefore, it was subjected to persecution, imprisonment, exile, confiscation of property and death. ( The persecution ended in the 4th century 313 A.D under the emperor Constantine by the Edit of Milan).  There was an attack from outside persecution and inside heresies. So the apologist was the group who  defended the Christian faith. There are some major heresies which threaten the church during the early  centuries. They are as follows: 1. Gnosticism:  According to Tertullian and Irenaeus Gnosticism has its origin in Greek philosophy. The first Gnostic known in history is Simon Magus, the sorcerer of Samaria. They obtain their name from the Greek word “gnosis” meaning knowledge. According to them matter is evil and spirit is good. So the world is created by an inferior God. They did not beli

Apostolic Fathers

The Apostolic Fathers were early Christian writers who lived in the first and second centuries CE. They were not the direct disciples of the apostles, but their works provide valuable insights into the early Christian Church and its teachings. Some of the most prominent Apostolic Fathers include Ignatius of Antioch, Polycarp of Smyrna, Clement of Rome, and Barnabas. Their writings include letters, epistles, and treatises that cover topics such as Christian doctrine, church organization, and pastoral care. These texts are considered important sources for understanding the development of Christianity during the first centuries after Jesus' death and resurrection. 1. Clement of Rome:  He was the bishop of Rome and he lived between AD 30-100. He wrote an epistle to the Corinthians forty years later of Pauline letter. Clement was disturbed by the spiritual atmosphere of Corinth church. There were many problems existed in the time of Paul that church suffers from factionalism and bittern

Difference between Apostolic Fathers and Church Fathers

The apostolic fathers were the follower of the apostles; they were either known the apostles and the  immediate disciples of the apostle. They represent the writings of those who were still alive during the  lifetime of N.T apostles, or they were contemporary of the apostles. They were men who knew the  apostles and apostolic doctrine continue the task of writing Christian literature. These men were known  as the apostolic fathers. While the church fathers were the title given to bishop in 2nd and 3rd centuries to describe the orthodox  champion of the church and the exponent of the faith, and defender of the Christian faith. The writings of apostolic fathers must be distinguished from N.T Apocrypha because of two points:  Their writings are rooted in the historical situation of the church;  They are generally orthodox rather than Gnostic. The apostolic fathers wrote what was devotional and edifying the church, but the apologist product  literature that defended the faith. The fathers

The Minor Division of the Period

Apostolic Church (AD 100) Persecuted Church (2-3 Centuries) Imperial Church (4-5 Centuries) Papal Church (6-16 Centuries) Reform Church (17 Century) Rational Church (18 Century) Modern Church (19 Century)

Major Divisions of the History of Christianity

Ancient Period: AD 30 to AD 590 was considered as the Ancient period. Approximately, Jesus was believed to have crucified by AD 30 and after his resurrection on the day of Pentecost the church was established. Therefore, from AD 30 to AD 590 period was known as the Patristic period or Ancient period. AD 590 was the end of the Ancient period because in AD 590 Gregory was officiated as the Pope of Rome and from there Medieval Period begins. Medieval Period: AD 590 to AD 1517 was considered as the Medieval period.  The importance of AD 1517 was that when Martin Luther posted his 95 Theses on the door post of the church. Reformation Period: 16-18 centuries were known as the reformation period. Modern Period: From 18th century till present we can see the modern period.