Major Divisions of the History of Christianity

Ancient Period:

AD 30 to AD 590 was considered as the Ancient period. Approximately, Jesus was believed to have crucified by AD 30 and after his resurrection on the day of Pentecost the church was established. Therefore, from AD 30 to AD 590 period was known as the Patristic period or Ancient period.
AD 590 was the end of the Ancient period because in AD 590 Gregory was officiated as the Pope of Rome and from there Medieval Period begins.

Medieval Period:

AD 590 to AD 1517 was considered as the Medieval period. The importance of AD 1517 was that when Martin Luther posted his 95 Theses on the door post of the church.

Reformation Period:

16-18 centuries were known as the reformation period.

Modern Period:

From 18th century till present we can see the modern period.


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