The Purpose of Apologist Writings

Apologesis writing is a type of communication used to express regret, remorse, and a willingness to make amends for wrongdoings or mistakes. Its purpose is to repair relationships, restore trust, and prevent future conflicts. Apologetic messages can be delivered verbally or in writing and should be sincere, specific, and take responsibility for the actions that caused harm. The goal is to demonstrate empathy, remorse, and a commitment to making things right.

  • They wrote many apologies to Roman Emperor to defend the Christian faith and to present the fact of Christian teaching.
  • They wrote against heretical teachings

At any time the enemies might bring charges against Christians and led them to arrest and trial. So in that circumstance the fathers were to defend their Christian faith. Many times Christians were subjected to mob violence. There was no helped or protection from the government. The Romans questions and accuse Christians and suspected Christians and misinterpreted their teachings. Therefore, the second and third centuries, some able and learned Christians wrote number apologies (defender of faith) and presented to the Roman emperors. These apologists provide and answer to the charges brought against Christians, both by pagan and Jews.

The Following Were the Charges Brought Against Christians:

  • Christians were considered as a traitor and disloyal.
  • They were unpatriotic.
  • Christians were members of illegal clubs and secret societies.
  • Christians were practicing cannibalism in their meeting.
  • Christians refuse to subscribe to state religion, temple and priest.
  • Christians refuse to worship Caesar as God.
  • Christians were regarded as atheistic.

  • Christians were regarded as the cause of all the calamities that occur in Roman Empire, such as flood, earthquake, famine, etc., because Christians neglect of Roman Gods.
  • The Jews also brought a series of charges against Christians. All these charges and accusations were answered fully by Apologist.

Causes of Roman Persecution: The Roman Emperor hates Christians because they are considered Christian as: Traitor: because Christians deny to worship. Cannibal: because in the Lord's Supper some words they used in the midst of worship were misunderstood by their opponents. As they used the words I broke the bread and wine, so the outsider heard that they were eating human flesh and drinking human blood. Atheist: they were considered as atheist because the Christians have no idols in the worship, no temples, etc.


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