Medieval Controversies


The medieval period existed from A.D. 590-1517 (when Gregory the Great was inaugurated as Bishop of  Rome) until 1517 (Reformation began by posting 95 theses on the door post of Wittenberg in Germany by Martin Luther). It is a period about 1000 years and it is called the papal church and the church in the Dark Age. Many Roman Catholic doctrines were developed during the medieval period.

Purgatory: This doctrine includes 595 by Gregory I.

Prayer: To Mary, Saints and Angels, in 600 A.D. that doctrine was formulated in 600 A.D.

Kissing: Pope’s foot 709 A.D.

Canonization: Death of saints in 995 A.D.

Celibacy of the priesthood in 1075 A.D.

The doctrine of Transubstantiation and confession of sins to priest in 1215 A.D.

The seven Sacraments was developed 1439 A.D., (Baptism, Conformation, Marriage, Extreme unction, Eucharist, Penance, Ordination). There are a number of controversies: i. Iconoclastic controversy, ii. Filioque controversy, iii. Predestination  controversy, iv. Lord Supper controversy.


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