The Rise and Growth of Papacy

Origin Papacy: In the New Testament the office of Bishop plays along with that of elder. In 110 A.D. Ignatius (Apostolic Father) around the viewed that elders were to obey the bishops and the congregations was to obey both (elder and bishops). In other words, he taught the supremacy of a bishop in a Local Church (over the elders). By the 2nd century Irenaeus (church father) asserting the unity of the church (spiritual unity) and believe in a succession of elders.

Thereafter, there arose a tendency of the church to transform the spiritual unity to an organic unity. By the middle of the 3rd century Cyprian (bishop of cartage) taught that the successors of the Apostles. He held that the apostolic authority was given to Peter. So, the church in Rome became predominant believing that it was founded by Peter.

Reasons why Church in Rome Predominate? There were several reasons or causes why Rome (church) could complete against in other for supremacy. 

(1) The chief reason was Rome was the capital of the empire, Rome was the seat of Govt. It was a central of civilization of those days. Hence the Church of Rome received a special consolation and its bishops were naturally considered as more important and influential than bishops of other bishops of other countries. 
(2) The claim of Peterian foundation it is believed that Peter was the chief of an Apostle and according to Roman Catholic teaching it was peter upon whom the church was founded. 
(3) The bishop of Rome was superior in the west, while bishops of other cities like Constantinople Antioch so on for supremacy.

(4) Constantine shifted the capital from Rome to Constantinople in A.D. 330. Afterwards the political power in the west gradually declined with the Barbarian invasion and other problems. During this time the bishop of Rome took advantage and became the most important figure as taking over both the church and the state. 

Some of the Great Popes:

Pope Leo I (AD 440-481): It was Pope Leo I who really laid the foundation of the papacy. He became the bishop of Rome at a critical time, the Roman Empire was breaking up because of the invasions of the barbarians and the church in the East was rent with schism and heresy (Controversy). So both church and the state needed a strong man to deal with the problem, and of course he was a strong man. He solved the problem of the church. He prepared the Tomb of Leo on the two natures of Christ. Stating, in Christ there were two natures united in one person. He extended the Jewish bishop over other bishops and enlarges bishops’ authority. However, the council of Chalcedon rejects in 451, to rule over the universal church and decreed the Patriarch should rank the bishop of Rome in the second to the Pope but equal right to the authority.

Gregory the Great: Gregory was one of the most important popes in the history of Romanism. He was elected pope in A.D. 590, and he dedicated his life to the extension of the kingdom of God through missionary works. 1st missionary works, 2nd strengthening Monasticism 3rd strengthening the power of the Roman Church. He was the first monk to become the pope. He claimed universal jurisdiction over Christendom. His Great achievement was missionary work in England. He had a great zeal and passion of soul. He sent a team of monks to the kingdom of Kent in Britain. One day he had seen English slaves in the slave market, and then he inquired who they are? The answer was they were Angles. Angle means in German word English people. He said to them, “they are not Angle but Angels. 

(1) He brought some Anglo Saxon to some and trained them as clergy and sent them to English. 
(2) A team of 40 monks under the leadership of Augustine of Canterbury was sent to Kent in Great Britain.
(3) Some Anglo Saxons were sent along with them for translation. And the team came to Kent and the king allowed them to evangelize in his territorial because the Queen was a Christian. The king and others were saved and baptized and the king gave lands for building monasteries and churches.

His encouragement of Monasticism: He devoted his life for the growth of Monastic’s and many privileges were given to the monks. And during his time Monasteries were growing rapidly. Strengthening the Power of the Roman Church: He extrude the Jurisdiction of the Bishop of Rome: He claimed that (Universal Jurisdiction) he is a Successor of Peter and expected Obedience and allegiance of all Bishops of wards him.

Gregory’s Theology: (1) Gregory was the first of the popes who set forth the doctrine of purgatory (imaginary place) of suffering and punishment where souls of sclerosis are tormented to purify this is unbiblical there is no single reference in the Bible not the apostolic books have mentioned about that. But there were only two fathers Origen and Augustine, they suggested that, “There might be such place,” Origen suggestion was condemned at the 2nd Council of Constantinople in 553 AD. Augustine’s says, “There might be such place, but about which I know nothing certainly.” 

(2) The mass or holy communion for the life of departed souls. This was another unscriptural doctrine of Gregory the Great. 
(3) Veneration (adoration) of the relics of saints. 
(4) Adoration of Images. 
(5) The doctrine of Transubstantiation i.e., the believers that in the Mass the Bread and wine are miraculously transformed into the body of Christ. 
(6) Gregory promoted Asceticism in the church. And he enforced the celibacy of the clergy. 
(7) He also introduced changes into the liturgy. However, Gregory was one of the most important popes in the history of Roman Catholic Church.

Gregory VII (Hildebrand- 1023-1085 A.D.): Hildebrand disputed and expelled Henry 4th the German king. Henry 4th stood bore footed three days in the winter season and waiting outside to get permission from the pope Hildebrand. Pope forgives him, but he expelled from his kingship. Christianity in the high Middle Ages 1073-1300 A.D. The growth of papal power was not always constant there were some popes who resisted the power of the papacy and some supports. Some Popes were weak and others were strong. The stage of culmination in papal power; 1073-1216 (climax or zenith), The stage of culmination (climax) was between 1073-1216 A.D. about 150 years when the papacy stood in absolute power, not only over the church but over the nations of Europe. This climax was attained during the rule of Hildebrand. The (western) Roman Catholic Church under the leadership of popes reaches its climax (zenith) during the period “between” 1073 - 1216. During this period the church becomes the most powerful institution in the world, having authority over the kings and Europe. The people who were responsible were Hildebrand. The church became the richest institution during this period and the church became different from the New Testament picture of the church deviated from biblical doctrines. The clergy bishops lived like princes or kings.

The Reformation of Hildebrand: The chief builder of medieval papacy was Hildebrand. During this time, he made papacy the greatest power in Europe. Before him Gregory 1st (Gregory the Great) had done much towards this end. After him, Innocent 3rd carried on the master builder of the papacy. 

(1) The papal election freed from Europe control: Previously kings/emperors used to rule or elect the popes, but now they were free. For a long time, emperors (kings) control the choice of popes, but Hildebrand established the colleges of cardinals, to elect the pope. However, the head of the church was chosen by the church through its officers. 
(2) Clergy were reform: i.e., Abolition of clerical marriage; clerical chastity was a law of the church. It was the law of the church (Celibate life). But many clergy married. Hildebrand believed that marriage, the priests could not put the church’s welfare on their life. Their chief interest could be for theirs if they were married and had children, they will be tempted to look up their family and Bishoprics would become hereditary. 
(3) Supremacy of the church: Hildebrand’s next plan was to make the church supreme over the world. The church rule by the pope should be supreme and all the kings and rulers should obey the pope. The supremacy of the church meant the supremacy of the pope.

Innocent 3rd (1160-1216): He was one of the greatest popes of the Middle Ages. Under innocent 3rd the medieval reach the zenith of its power. He claimed/said “Pope stands in the midst between God and Men,” he said; “Less than God more than Men. He judges all, he is judged by none”. (No one judged him, though he judged others). According to him the papal is absolute and inflexible (no changeable).


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