Schism between East and West in AD 1054

Political Reason: The separation of the east from the west began when Constantinople as his residence (374). The fullness of the Roman Empire was free from imperial control because, an emperor was shifted from west to east. And the west was free from Empyreal interest by removing the court from Rome to Constantinople. Whereas the church in the east with its patriarchs living in Constantinople became subjective to the emperors, (Patriarch the head of the church of east and Popes the head of the western church). The emperor of the east constantly interfered in matters of doctrine and administration of the church in the east. There was a political enmity between the east and the west. This enmity became wider when the western empire ended in 476 A.D. (the fall of the eastern Roman Empire was in 1453). But there was no real power in the west until the Holy Roman Empire established in 800 A.D. Charlemagne, but the emperors were controlled over the church in the east. But in the west, Pope had control over both the church and the state. Therefore, the west finally broke with the eastern emperor to free itself from Constantinople. And Pope Leo 3rd crowned Charlemagne on a Christmas Day in A.D. 800 as the Roman Emperor.

Claims of Papacy: The eastern and the western church continued to claim that it was a true church. Patriarch of Constantinople was considered 2nd in the primacy of the pope. And the western claimed that no apostle founded the church of Constantinople whereas the pope in Rome claimed the successors of Peter. The church in Rome was founded by apostle peter and the pope claimed the supremacy over the entire church.

Theological Controversies: There are two major controversies,

1. Iconoclastic Controversy: It is the controversy on the use of the Images in worship and in church. The term Iconoclastic comes from the Greek word “eikon” (eikon) means to resemble signifying a picture or an Image and the Greek word “Klan” meaning break, east and west division 1054 A.D. So, an Iconoclast was one who educated the destructed of Image in the church. Towards the end of the A.D. 3rd century people in the church began to use and adore images, this practice increased during the following centuries. The Eastern Church involved through the influenced of the heathen worship. The west also was influenced towards this heathen worship practice. Images and pictures of Mary, Christ and the Apostles and other saints were used increasingly in their worship. Although the church taught the images were to be honored (venerated) but illiterate, the common people worship. The issued climax in A.D. 726 (8th century) when Roman emperor Leo forbad the use of images, but the Popes like, Gregory II, III and John of Damascus taught that images had sacramental values and dispose grace or inputted grace. In A.D. 787 the ecumenical church council (i.e., Both eastern and western church) met in Vicca and 325 to discuss about Arena’s teaching approved the use of icon stating that the images should receive affection and reverend. Thereafter image worship became an integral part of the church and for another 150 years there was a dispute over the use of icon in worship. Finally, in A.D. 843 the Eastern Church abandoned the use sculpture (states) figures of status, and allowed to use images/pictures. But the western church permitted statues. One of the major issues of division between eastern and western church was the use of icon 1054 the church divided, the controversy of the used of image in the church.

2. Filioque Controversy: The word Filioque in Greek means “and son”, the controversy was on the question of “who sent the Holy Spirit”? The Greek eastern church taught that the single procession of the Holy Spirit (Father only (alone) Sent the Holy Spirit). But the western church (Roman Catholic Church) taught the Double procession of the Holy Spirit (both Father and the Son were responsible to send the Holy Spirit). This was another main division issue or controversy between the east (Greek) and west (Roman Catholic Church) church. Finally, at the council of Toledo in A.D. 589 the phrase “Filioque” meaning “and son” was added it to the Nicene Creed. But the eastern (Greek) church refused to accept the doctrine and this was another reason of the split of west and east churches.

3. Predestination Controversy: (St: Augustine) (Roman Catholic Theologian) Gottschalk defended Augustine doctrine emphasize that God had predestined everything through His eternal. Gottschalk, he rejected the idea (notion) of the foreknowledge of God (election). He taught a double predestination (same for eternal sin and save) an election for salvation for some second eternal punishment for others. Other said that sin was not a part of God’s predestination, God only predestine punishment for sin. Therefore, election to damnation 2nd punishment could not be affected. He also emphasized salvation by Grace not by works. He was severely opposed because his teaching about salvation left no room for the sacraments and good works. In 848 A.D. at the synod Mains Gottschalk was condemned and imprisonment for life, he died in 869 A.D.

4. Lord Supper Controversy: In A.D. 831 Radbertus (he was a monk monastery in France) taught the doctrine of transubstantiation. He taught that when a priest altered Christ words “This is my body and blood” he taught that the miracle (that means wine-blood and bread, literal body of Christ) takes place. He taught this based on Jn. 6:51, this view was initially opposed by the Roman Catholic Church, but officially adopted in the 13th century.

The Differences in Language and Culture: The Eastern Church followed Greek and oriental languages and the western church followed Latin, and both the east and the west did not understand each other.

Celibacy: The Eastern Church permitted the lower clergy to marry (ordinary priest). But the western church all clergy and priests were required to be celibate unmarried (nuns and priests).

Michael excommunication in 1054: Michael the patriarch of Constantinople excommunicated the Pope Leo 9th. The Pope Leo 9th excommunicated the patriarch of Constantinople (Michael) thus the division began in 



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