
Monasticism was a movement of Asceticism. Asceticism educates a life of contemplation or meditation and living away from society. Monasticism is the name given to the organization of the monasticism. It was the strongest pillar of the church during the medieval period. Monasteries were centers of the learning from this arouses Scholasticism. The members of monasteries were called the monks. It was originated in the east and soon spread to western Christianity. Monasticism was the great protest against the low standard of life and low moral standard of society.

The Reason or Causes of the Rise of Monasticism:

(1) Political Reason: Politically the rulers became very weak and corruption reigned over. 

(2) Religious Reason: The doctrinal controversies, especially on Christology. The controversies had weakened the spiritual life of the church. The church admitted thousands of pagans into the church (during Constantine 325 A.D.). They brought their pagan ideas, customs, and practices and so on that corrupted the church. Gnosticism matter is evil and spirit is good. That influenced many people and they mortify their body.

(3) Social Reason: There was no security because of the barbarian’s attacked. The barbarians were invading or conquering the towns and the villages and from their attacks people sought to a refuge in the caves and in the desert. Many sought refuges in the desert and caves o escaped from invasion.

(4) The idea that retirement from the worldly life is the best way for crucified the flesh and its desire. It was believed that the body is the seed of all evil desire. Here we see the influenced of Gnostics who believes matter is evil, including the human body. This influence made the Christian to believe. (5) The interpretation of Mt. 19: 12 led to believe that voluntary celibacy and Mt.19:12 led to poverty which was high standards of Christians living and the means of attaining holiness and perfection. (6) The end of persecution (313 A.D. edict of Milan Constantine) led to asceticism the highest achievement self-renunciation, solitary life renouncing, avoiding families’ worldly society and luxury etc. As the highest standards of life led many to join the monasteries. 

(7) The increasing paganism and worldliness in the church (from the days of Constantine). This dissatisfied the genuine Christians and many took refuges in the monasteries and their motive was (motto) desire for salvation and peace. They thought the only way to get salvation was the monastic life. 

Origin of Monasticism in Egypt: 

The monastic movement started in Egypt. A man called Anthony (250-356 A.D.) He was the first ascetic who appeared in the monastic history. He was from a wealthy family. After reading Mt. 19: 21 he sold all his possessions and distributed to the poor and took up a life of asceticism. He went to an Egyptian desert (wilderness) and lived a solitary life. He was followed by many people and the Egyptian desert filled with hermit dwellings. Anthony preached about a practical Christianity, holiness of life,humility, honesty and love. Many followed Anthony, a life of self-denial. There were many extremists followed a life of torturing their bodies thinking that the body is evil: 

(1) some followed a life of fasting by drinking muddy waters. (2) Living in cemetery wells and chains their legs for torturing their body. (3) Sleep by sitting. (4) Eating grass like cattle. (5) Live like monkeys. (6) Some people have never bath. (7) St. Simon Stylites after having live buried to his neck the ground several months, then he became a pillar sitter. He was known as a sitter saint. He (decide) and try to achieve holiness by becoming a pole sitter. He sprints 37 years of his life on top of a pillar near Antioch in sunlight and rain. He tied himself with ropes and injured his body worms used to come out of his body and he never took them out. (8) Bosci, who lived grazing grass like an animal. (9) Ammun who never dressed nor took a bath after he began a hermit.

Monastic Orders:

The Benedictine Order: The monasticism developed in Benedict time order. The earlier of this order was the Benedictine order, was founded by Benedict in 529 A.D. at Monte Casino (in the between Rome and Naples). He came from a very rich family and he sold out all he had and organized a monastic life. He produced (organized) a famous rule known as the rules of Benedict. He was known as the father of the monastic system because he gave to monasticism a set of laws as an organization. According to the Benedict rule, each member who wants to join the order must to take three vows: Poverty, Chastity (lifelong commitment to sexual purity/celibacy), and Obedience. He gave directions and rules for daily life. Daily schedules were worshipped, work and study.

Daily Schedules: 1. Worship took 7 periods of in a day. 2. Work or manual labor, chiefly/mainly agriculture, work was compulsory. 3. Study time was also set apart for study, recreation (play time) and sleep. No one was allowed to be idle lazy. Benedict taught that idleness is the enemy of souls. 

Franciscan Order: Franciscans were founded in 1209 (after 500 years) by Francis of Assisi. He was one of the holiest, most devoted most loveable of man. From Italy they spread rapidly all over Europe from the color of their habit they became known as grey friars. The watch words of his orders were poverty, chastity and obedience along with these they added one more that is: Preaching and Begging.

Dominican Order: The Dominicans were a Spanish order founded by Dominic in 1215 A.D. and he extended into all the countries of Europe. This order differed from other orders in being preachers and opposing heresy. They were known as the black friar (brothers) from their Garb. (Like priestly garments) (The clothes they wear).

The Merits and Demerits of Monasticism:

Merits: 1. The monasteries were great centers of learning. Scholasticism was originated from Monasteries. There were theological schools for training monks. 2. It was the place for peace. People were living in the troubled world, but Monasteries gave them peace. 3. Monasteries gave refuge and hospitality to travelers, the sick and the poor. 4. In the Education field monks were the teacher almost all universities and schools of the middle age, which were risen in the monasteries. 5. The monks in the monasteries were the great missionaries. They preached the gospel to Barbarians and converted them to Christianity. For ex. Augustine (597AD) who came from Rome to England, St. Patrick (431AD).

Demerits: 1. Exhortation of Celibacy. It was set for celibacy as a higher mode of life. This is unscriptural and unnatural. 2. Luxury and wealthy life. The growing wealth of the monasteries led to luxury and to pride that led to morality. 3. Spiritual Pride: monastic life made distinguished between higher and lower morality.


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