Decline of Papal Power

Boniface VIII: The decline of papal power began with Boniface in 1303. He made many papal claims as of his predecessors (who came before). The real struggle began in 1301 with the Philip the king of France. Philip arrested Bernard and charged with high treason the pope ordered (Bernard) release of Bernard. But Philip refused, so the Pope answered with the famous bull (papal decree) known as “Unum sanctum” (when the pope ordered to release Bernard the king refused him). Which claimed the supremacy of papal power over the civil papal, (civil king Europe i.e., Kings). Its (bull) affirmed that temporal powers are subject to the spiritual power. 

Babylonian captivity: 

But Philip the France king (brought) who made opposition to Boniface wanted to have no more troubles with the pope. Hence, he wishes to have French made as a pope and persuaded him to leave Rome and came and live in Avignon (France) for more than 70 years, pope lived in Avignon in France. This period from 1305-1377 is known as the Babylonian captivity of the papacy. It was 70 years exile of the papacy from Rome to Avignon, France as the people of Israel was taken to the captives in Babylon for 70 years. Thus, the seat of the papacy was transferred from Rome to Avignon France. Meanwhile Boniface the pope excommunicated by King Philip eventually in 1305 a new pope was elected who took the name Clement 5th he never went to Rome. He fixed Avignon, France as his residence. The Babylonian captivity ended in 1377 when Gregory 11th the pope returned to Rome. 

The Schism of Papacy: 

Babylonian captivity was followed by schism, and there was a time there were two rival depots one in Rome and the other in Avignon in France. And a council was made in Pisa, which elected as a new pope and deposed the others so, there was a time 3 popes, one in Rome, and one in Avignon and one in Pisa. In 1414 A.D. the Council of Constant was held to decide between these three popes. All these three popes were deposed or removed. And new popes were elected and the schism (division) was healed, it was actually done through the movement of Conciliarism. One of the significant achievements was Conciliarism was the healing of great Schism and the council of constant in 1414 A.D.


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