
Church at 5th century gave the title to Virgin Mary “Theotokos”. Nestorius did not accept this title Theotokos, but he uses the title Christokos (bearer of Christ). He said so because God could not have Human parents. Mary as a human cannot bear God, but the Mary bearer of Christ. So there was a great dispute and a council were called in 431 A.D at Ephesus, known as the council of Ephesus headed by Cyril. Cyril was a representative of Alexandrian theology. Cyril follows an Alexandrian theology wanted to make use this opportunity to humiliate the Antiochian school. His main task/concern was to condemn Nestorianism. Also, there was a hard discussion on the title “Theotokos”. And in this council Nestorius was condemned as heretic and the title “Theotokos” was continued to use. The conflict with Nestorius led to another clash between the Alexandrian and Antiochian schools.


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